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Coatsworth & Co say schools are safe…

Maybe if we could hold our politicians and (so-called) union leaders responsible for school children’s inevitable deaths and long covid, they’d be more reluctant to take this gamble?


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1. Remember this meme from October? 👆

(A take on the Grim Reaper memes the LNP dishonestly used to scare people with a Labor Death Tax)

It was a prediction based on events unfolding overseas.

Some people thought it was over the top.

Maybe the same selfish clowns who believe the death toll predicted is acceptable.





2. Here’s another prediction 👇 (October also) based on events overseas. (Fox News USA for the RWNJs 🙂 )

“… more than 10.6 million children have tested positive for the disease.

More than 2 million of those cases have been added in the past 2 weeks.”




Schools are Petri dishes writ large


3. Teachers and school workers are being forced to return to their classrooms Friday in New South Wales and Victoria, the two states worst hit by COVID, with those in other states to follow over the next fortnight.

Federal and state governments, Labor and Liberal, backed by the Australian Education Union and its affiliates, have prepared a program of mass infection, disease, and death.

Authorities know full well what is set to emerge, with federal and state chief medical officers admitting in recent days that reopening the schools will trigger clusters of infection and increase overall case numbers.” (Source)


Keep your kids out of school!


4. Gym and restaurant owners or people running Teacher’s unions – “You’re being alarmist!

Covid isn’t that big a health threat!”

The governments (Liberal/Labor) who are forcing kids back to school, seem to think it is 🤔

Look at *their* Covid precautions 😱 👇




Parliament house has an air filtration system better than most Covid wards



Clearly, children aren’t as valuable as politicians, so we can afford to sacrifice some & give a host of kids Long Covid, to ensure our economy’s babysitting needs are met














Thousands of students and teachers infected during first week of Australian schools

Most young children will be unvaccinated when they return to school during Omicron outbreak, experts warn

What Happens When Kids Get Long COVID?

Australian Labor and Coalition governments sending hundreds of thousands of children and teachers into COVID-infested schools

US alarm at rise in child Covid infections sees school closures back on agenda

More than 1.1M children diagnosed with COVID-19 in a week, report says

COVID disaster set to hit Australia’s schools—Build rank and file committees! Prepare strike action to halt infection and death!