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It’s all too much, Climate Change, COVID, the coming War with China, the housing and ‘cost of living’ crisis. I long for the simpler times when “terrorism” was King.

Remember those halcyon days when all we had to worry about was “terrorism?” Sure, it was a bit of a beat-up.



More chance of being killed falling out of bed than in a terrorist attack, but that fact was as easily ignored as the actuality of 22,362 COVID deaths. (August, 05, 2023) Terrorism deaths being about political quality, not quantity.

That was the beauty of terrorism. We could happily spend billions on anti-terrorism measures (which included getting involved in America’s War on Terror) without the negativity of rationality. Patriotism, nationalism and xenophobia anaesthetising the parts of our brains given to paining us with logical thought.

Now we have Climate Change to worry about which is apocalyptic in nature, instead of our old friend terrorism, which we knew in our hearts was about as risky as being killed by a tektite.

I know what some of you are thinking, “But we’ve got this whole ‘War with China’ thing going on?” And I agree it’s a wonderful thing. A flag-waving extravaganza, that includes the “Yellow Peril” a traditional and much beloved national fear.

My worry is, that it’s a mite ambitious. China is a nuclear super-power and, until we get our submarines, stands a better than even chance of defeating us in any war. OK we’ve got the Yanks on our side, but let’s be honest, Ukraine, despite constantly bloodying the evil Russians, is not looking all that healthy. The Americans (through no fault of their own) do have a habit of leaving the countries they’ve liberated looking a tad the worse for wear.

It’s possible Australia could even fare worse than Ukraine if things got really ugly. Our geographic position makes the use of tactical and even conventional nukes far more “acceptable” than their use in Europe. Remember, we’re a country that invited the English to test atomic bombs on our home soil because we were safely distanced from our Motherland.

What happened to terrorism?

Well in a nutshell COVID (and that terrorist attack in Christchurch.) In deference to our political leaders and the MSM who have adopted ignoring this juxtaposition of our favoured Muslim/Terrorist narrative – we’ll ignore it too.

There are a couple of theories. 

1. The promised waves of suicide bombers were deterred by COVID. This seems unlikely.

2. COVID replaced terrorism as a talking point in our media.

This has led some cynics to proclaim we are a nation of sheep, easily swayed by media propaganda. Obviously, this latter theory is the usual nonsensical Cultural Marxism originating from the atheist nihilists that infest academia.

I believe our terrorism era was simply a trend that died a natural (if sad) death, akin to hula-hoops and yo-yos.


The Golden Age of Bilateralism

The terrorism era was the Golden Age of Bilateralism. Whatever legislation the Liberal government came up with to deter the terrorism threat, Labor would faithfully support. Naturally, they made the necessary noises for product differentiation. Pontificating about the balance between terrorist laws and “democratic values and freedoms” – before voting them in. Even promising changes to these Draconian laws when they reached power.

As if a Labor government, which has kept and even tightened our world-beating Industrial Relations laws, would ever loosen terrorist laws that bound and controlled the populace – especially those pesky journalists.

It’s pleasing to note that Labor have not only left our (again) ‘world-beating’ terrorist laws intact, they’ve dove-tailed them neatly with a growth in militarism that makes the Liberals look like a bunch of flower-children.

AUKUS, sea mines, Himars, extensions to naval ports and airfields for our American cousins’ nuclear-capable submarines and B-52s. We’ve never been so safe. Hundreds of billions spent with the care-free exuberance of a Labor Party finally hitting its right-wing groove.


Instead of wasting good money on housing, which Labor is cunningly avoiding with their HAFF scheme – they’ve prioritised direct funding for an $8,000,000,000 extension of HMAS Stirling as well as other vital infrastructure for our allies. Good for you, Jim.

$8,000,000,000 – that’s equivalent to 16 years of HAFF funding at $500,000,000 a year – imagine throwing that money away on civilian housing?


Jim’s economic wisdom is cognisant with the tendency for military budgets to experience cost over-runs. If a comparatively simple airfield upgrade can blow out from $184,000,000 to $568,000,000 imagine what AUKUS (a sophisticated project spanning three countries) will eventually cost? 

This is why Jim ignores the whining from the Loony Left who want the homeless, disabled, unemployed and aged catered to, despite the clear burden they present to our military ambitions.

People with little political discernment say the two major parties are the same. Nonsense, Labor have proved far more efficient militarily and economically. Turning Australia into a forward base for the USA – a year after gaining office. Who knows where we’ll be by the end of Labor’s first term at this rate? Hopefully, the plans of Bob Katter and those other ingenious patriots at Strategic Analysis Australia will be implemented by this very promising Labor government.


What a Prime Minister Bob Katter would have made. The vision and wisdom of a true statesman. No wonder gun lobbies donate so heavily to Bob.


Anthony Bergin knows his stuff. A Senior fellow, no less. Brilliant analysis. Now, is the ideal time, while people are convinced China is on the verge of invading us, to take advantage of that fear and implement policy that would have seemed insane a few years ago.


The critics

Let me be honest. I was appalled when Labor took power. Thinking they’d tax the rich, raise the dole payment to the poverty line and ruin the rental market by building public housing. Those fears seem foolish now.

And yet, despite Labor continuing where the Liberals left off, there are still those who distrust the altruistic intent of these two well-established parties. People dissatisfied by the decisions made by our new leader, who in all fairness is only managing Australia on behalf of the American Empire. It’s gratifying to see how many of the populace, especially Labor supporters, accept this as the natural order of things now.

The sorely missed terrorist craze and our latest fad of an imminent Chinese invasion, are examples of how our USA/AU hierarchy functions. The American media and ours operate similarly too. Expect calls to loosen child labour laws to make the headlines here soon.

There is one unfortunate and alarming aspect of the Labor regime. The historical presence of communist trouble-makers in their party. Even “Albo’s” autocratic rule hasn’t managed to purge them all – as yet.

Those China-loving traitors known as Labor Against War have been spreading dissent amongst the naive and impressible members of the rank and file. Thankfully, “Albo” has refused to listen to their treacherous pleas for peace and regional stability. Nor have those other extremists, Australians for War Powers Reform, had any joy with their attempts to interfere with our PM’s war powers. Stay strong Anthony.


Terrorism lost forever?

Not quite.


I know this has read as a swansong to our old friend “terrorism” but let’s take a positive stance. We still have the 50 or so terrorism laws enacted in Australia since 9/11 and our Police are now strolling through malls armed to the teeth with assault rifles and cruising our streets in their American BearCats.


Wonderful to see our boys-in-blue emulating the militarisation that has transformed the USA’s police forces.



Most importantly, our Islamophobia and xenophobia remain, just awaiting a terrorism trigger. I’m sure “Albo” would welcome a ‘terrorism distraction’ from the mud-raking “exposés” that question his god-given right to privileges that befit his status.

“The politics of envy” has truly raised its ugly head, when a great man, charged with the Australian interests of the USA, the most powerful nation on Earth, has to endure such petty sniping from his inferiors.


– Fini –