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If You Want To Help The World, Focus On Fighting The Empire | Caitlin Johnstone

If You Want To Help The World, Focus On Fighting The Empire | Caitlin Johnstone

  Become a soldier because you want to be of service and you will discover that being a soldier doesn’t work the way it’s depicted in movies and shows. You’re not a hero defending your country from murderous thugs, you are the murderous thugs, and the people you...
Confronting State Capture – Australian Democracy Network

Confronting State Capture – Australian Democracy Network

Report compiled by the Australian Democracy Network with assistance from contributors Scott Ludlam, Michelle Fahy and Felicity Ruby. We own any errors and are grateful for feedback and discussion with Tim Hollo, Alex Kelly, Professor John Keane, Dr Adam Lucas, Clare...
UN observer slams Australia over toxic threats, climate – Tracey Ferrier

UN observer slams Australia over toxic threats, climate – Tracey Ferrier

  A UN observer has lashed Australia on environmental issues ranging from toxins to new gas projects. (Neda Vanovac/AAP PHOTOS) Credit: AAP A United Nations investigator has unleashed on Australia for failing to protect its people and environment from climate...