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Is COVID responsible for our PM’s irrational decisions? – Mick Lawless (Pure brain™)

Is COVID responsible for our PM’s irrational decisions? – Mick Lawless (Pure brain™)

A number of people, albeit fanatical Labor supporters, have accused Dingo News of being unfairly critical of the Labor party and their leader Anthony Albanese. Apart from their obvious bias, these accusations are made nonsense by the three Dingoes1 awarded to Dingo...
Australian PM Anthony Albanese: The Before and After Poster-Boy for why you don’t want Covid – Mick Lawless

Australian PM Anthony Albanese: The Before and After Poster-Boy for why you don’t want Covid – Mick Lawless

      What needs to happen for action to be taken on Covid?   Albanese has had two bouts of Covid since being sworn in as Prime Minister. Given his lack of action in mitigating Covid… In six months under Labor, Covid deaths exceeded those...