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Confronting State Capture – Australian Democracy Network

Confronting State Capture – Australian Democracy Network

Report compiled by the Australian Democracy Network with assistance from contributors Scott Ludlam, Michelle Fahy and Felicity Ruby. We own any errors and are grateful for feedback and discussion with Tim Hollo, Alex Kelly, Professor John Keane, Dr Adam Lucas, Clare...
Trespassers complaining on Stolen Lands – Mick Lawless

Trespassers complaining on Stolen Lands – Mick Lawless

  First noticed that old Right Wing theme favourite “Tough on Crime” reemerging in Alice Springs, Northern Territory (NT). A racist little Facebook effort called Action for Alice 2020.  “Tough on Crime’s” kamerad “Law and...
Labor Supporters Defend Labor PM “Albo’s” Predatory Capitalism

Labor Supporters Defend Labor PM “Albo’s” Predatory Capitalism

The ideological state of Labor supporters has reached peak tragic Labor supporters have been described as a cult. The more extreme Labor adherents certainly display some of the characteristics associated with cults. They’re everywhere. Infesting social media...
Labor sic their pet attack dog Jordan Shanks (friendlyjordies) onto the unruly AUWU Untermenschen – Part 2

Labor sic their pet attack dog Jordan Shanks (friendlyjordies) onto the unruly AUWU Untermenschen – Part 2

Continues from – Labor sic their pet attack dog Jordan Shanks (friendlyjordies) onto the unruly AUWU Untermenschen   Unlike Shanks, who ignored any oppositional view to his prejudicial narrative, I contacted people who have beefs with the AUWU, because I...