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Per Capita Decide to Dig Deeper by Backing “Dole Bludgers” Hate Troll – by Mick Lawless

Per Capita Decide to Dig Deeper by Backing “Dole Bludgers” Hate Troll – by Mick Lawless

  You couldn’t plausibly make this stuff up     The below quote is from part 2 of my article investigating Labor’s Think Tank Per Capita and their Executive Director Emma Dawson.    “Much more could be said about your Per...
Labor’s Robodebt revisionism has become rote amongst it’s True Believers – by Mick Lawless

Labor’s Robodebt revisionism has become rote amongst it’s True Believers – by Mick Lawless

        What is Robodebt? Best to examine what Robodebt is before challenging the apologist orthodoxy that has emerged to excuse Labor’s role in its creation.    “The Robodebt scheme, formally Online Compliance Intervention...
Work for the Dole hurts unemployed people. The party of labour should commit to abolish it – by Jeremy Poxon

Work for the Dole hurts unemployed people. The party of labour should commit to abolish it – by Jeremy Poxon

    On the sixth anniversary of Josh Park-Fing’s death the program that killed him, and injured countless others, has not been reformed. But there is no acceptable form of coercive labour. It must be abolished in our welfare system, in prisons and in subminimum wage...
Will the secret recordings of Labor’s true intentions sink or empower them with voters? – Mick Lawless

Will the secret recordings of Labor’s true intentions sink or empower them with voters? – Mick Lawless

  As most of you guessed – this was my April Fool piece An opportunity to get some satire and future history into an article and to challenge prevailing political orthodoxies. A very enjoyable task, albeit tinged with the sadness of what could have been....