by admin | April 1, 2022 | Articles by Mick Lawless, Australia's move to the Right, Foreign policy, Hillsong, Media, Pensions and unemployment benefits, Political issues, Religion
As most of you guessed – this was my April Fool piece An opportunity to get some satire and future history into an article and to challenge prevailing political orthodoxies. A very enjoyable task, albeit tinged with the sadness of what could have been....
by admin | August 18, 2020 | Corruption, Hillsong, Media, Religion, The PM and the QAnon conspiracy
I’m sorry God, but your ten commandments [1] in the Bible are somewhat meaningless in today’s society. My encounters with Christians over the course of my life have shown remarkable indifference towards God’s stipulations. Even the current Prime Minister of Australia,...
by admin | October 8, 2019 | Australia's move to the Right, Corruption, Foreign policy, Hillsong, Political issues, Religion
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s speech railing against the international order offered no proof of the case he made against ‘evil globalism’. Scott Morrison’s Lowy Lecture, titled “ In Our Interest”, offers the country a curious piece...
by Mick Lawless | July 31, 2019 | Articles by Mick Lawless, Australia's move to the Right, Corruption, Hillsong, Media, Pensions and unemployment benefits, Political issues, Refugees, Religion
Money for mates at any cost The gradual privatisation of Centrelink has meant that the unemployed have become a source of revenue for companies associated with the LNP. Service has diminished as the bottom-line and not the unemployed is the over-riding priority. A...
by admin | July 25, 2010 | Corruption, Hillsong, Political issues, Religion
THE tax office wants a special national body set up to monitor “not for profit” charities, admitting that churches – such as the multi-million-dollar phenomenon Hillsong – are literally “invisible” to it. And the sector is expanding...