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Part 2



“Zionism always uses Jews as human shields”David Kirsten


The broadness of “antisemitism” definitions still makes the use of “Zionist” problematic.

While Jewish people in Australia may face some discomfort due to the understandable outrage at an Israeli genocide our government is abetting, none of them are being buried under tonnes of rubble or executed in the streets by the Left – so there’s that.


“One of the chief tasks of any dialogue with the Gentile world is to prove that the distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is not a distinction at all.” – Abba Eban, Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and United Nations from 1949 to 1959 – Source

L: University classes as well as sharp propaganda videos promoted on Chinese Communist Party-owned TikTok argue justice in the world is denied because of privilege, and if you want to strike down privilege, you must start with the Jews. The arguments of the 1920s and ’30s have found new life.

DN: The leap in logic Leeser employs, to arrive at “…if you want to strike down privilege, you must start with the Jews”, entails dragging university classes, the Communist Chinese Party and TikTok into his “woke equals antisemitism” paradigm. Interestingly, he compares criticism of Israel with Nazism, albeit obliquely. Leeser aims this vicious slur at the people who would defend the Jewish community from Nazis if they ever gained ascendancy.

TikTok you say? The Israelis preoccupied with mocking Palestinian survivors seem quite pleased with that medium. They’re of the inhumane ilk, currently blockading essential supplies to Gaza or planning the construction of beach houses there and would heartily concur with Leeser’s views, even though (due to his Zionist victim narrative) he neglected to showcase their efforts.


Editor: This is from Leeser’s article, hence the “woke” drivel (Video here)

L: In Australia, the Greens have made anti-Semitism part of their political agenda. The battleground of anger towards Jews has been in inner-city areas where the Greens seek political dominance over Labor. On social media and on the streets, the Greens are driving anti-Semitic rhetoric and feeling in our country. 2

DN: Another baseless accusation aimed at the Greens. Leeser is emulating the attacks that destroyed Corbyn’s run for PM by tainting his Labour party with antisemitism. That he is not targeting Australia’s Labor Party says much about Labor’s ideological rapport with the Liberal Party.

Australian Greens statement one month after the terrorist acts by Hamas into Israel (Extract)

“One month after the terrorist acts by Hamas into Israel, the Australian Greens mourn the over 1400 innocent Israelis who lost their lives. There is no excuse, no justification and no celebration that can be found in attacks that deliberately targeted and sought to traumatise civilian communities. This was not an act of resistance, nor a legitimate military offensive. This was a terrorist act and we will continue to condemn it as such.”

DN: The following is the part that concerns Leeser. The idea that the Palestinian people are entitled to the same ethical considerations as Israeli citizens. In fact, Leeser’s entire campaign to make the Gaza Genocide invisible, (shades of Holocaust denial) reeks of the Far Right/Zionist view that Palestinians are subhuman and therefore unworthy of human rights.

Greens’ statement continues…

“The very same commitment to compassion, honesty, peace and justice required of us in response to the vile attacks of Hamas drives us as Greens to call out the war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by the state of Israel in Gaza right now.”

L: Given that the overwhelming number of Australians want no truck with racism, we must ask ourselves what actions can we take to tackle anti-Jewish sentiment?

DN: Again, is Leeser unaware we live in Australia? Where a recent referendum to give Aboriginal People a Voice to Parliament was opposed by 60.06% of the population. Many of the Yes voters were racists too, but saw a Yes vote as support for their Labor Party.

L: First, we must enforce existing laws about hate speech and discrimination. The fact is more than 100 days have passed since “kill the Jews” and “gas the Jews” were chanted at the Opera House and no one has been held to account. More recently, hate preachers seeking to incite violence against Jewish people have been ignored by state and federal authorities. In both cases no arrests, no prosecutions, no fines, no imprisonment – nothing.

DN: Yeah, about that…

To my knowledge, Leeser has yet to issue an apology to Antoinette

L: Peter Dutton is right to say this is a time of moral clarity, but sadly we have not seen it, particularly from the gigantic equality and anti-discrimination apparatus that operates within state and federal governments. Mostly, they have been silent. Their silence has sent its own message: Jews need not apply for protection – in the workplace and on the streets.

DN: Using Dutton, infamous for his race-based fear campaigns, as a moral arbiter, demonstrates Leeser’s lack of ethical discernment and the disinformation inherent in most of his self-serving narrative. Leeser and Downer’s articles may be opinion pieces, but even opinion pieces are (supposedly) restrained by factual imperatives.


The normally litigious Peter Dutton, decided being called “an out-and-out racist
by Former Greens leader Richard Di Natale wasn’t defamatory


Dutton is of course, all about protecting the Zionist community from the horrors of criticism being levelled at Israel. A slur against the decent Jewish people who are demanding a ceasefire and opposed to the brutality of Israel’s response.

“What’s emerged under Dutton is a populist, nihilistic movement that has, as matter of course, elevated fear, bigotry and disdain toward minorities – from refugees to welfare recipients and First Nations peoples – into the organising principles of its warped ideology.” Australia is sleepwalking down the road to white supremacism – Maeve McGregor – Crikey

Leeser a Zionist (an ultranationalist sect with links to white supremacists) attempting to play the oxymoronic role of the ‘compassionate conservative’ inside a racist Liberal party, is hypocrisy to the nth degree.1

“Framing Zionism as Jewish and not white supremacy is a dangerous proposition” Yoav Litvin

Identity of Neo-Nazi Revealed to be Former Young Liberals Office Holder (Source)

Let’s not forget who it was that called out Labor and Liberal for their inaction, as Nazis marched in Australian streets.

“With their Nazi salutes and white supremacy these thugs call up the terrifying deaths of six million Jews and millions of others, but our political leaders remain silent” Adam Bandt (Leader of the Australian Greens)

L: As British author David Baddiel pointed out when it comes to these groups: Jews don’t count.


“I think according to the IHRA definition of antisemitism, (David Baddiel) is an antisemite” Gary Sinyor – (Source)

L: Second, we need a formal independent inquiry into anti-Semitism at universities. Long before the terror attacks of October 7, a multi-party group of MPs including myself, Labor’s Josh Burns and independent Allegra Spender wrote to unis across Australia calling on them to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of anti-Semitism. Of Australia’s nearly 40 public universities only Monash, Melbourne, Macquarie, Wollongong and Sunshine Coast have fully signed up. The others’ vice-chancellors need to be held to account on this.

DN: The  Zionist-captured Labor/Liberal coalition in action, continuing their antisemitic witch-hunt in universities. This is nothing new. Attempts to silence criticism of Israel’s brutal racist policies in universities have a long history in Australia. 

“In November 2022, the Parliamentary Friends of IHRA group was created, consisting of members of the Australian parliament. 

One of its first tasks was to write to all Australian, universities, urging them to adopt the IHRA definition.

As Israel’s indiscriminate killing of Palestinians in Gaza, as well as the West Bank, continues, the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is emerging as a clear obstacle to critical scholarship and action in resisting and denouncing such atrocities. The use of this definition has no place on Australian campuses.” – The IHRA definition of anti-Semitism has no place on Australian campuses – Micaela Sahhar – Sahar Ghumkhor – Jasmine Barzani – Natalie Ironfield – Al Jazeera.

L: Third, the major parties and the teals must commit to preferencing the Greens last. Throughout my political career, I have always put One Nation last, because I abhor racism. One Nation has its racists and kooks, but it has never supported genocide.

DN: This coming from a Zionist propagandist supporting Israel’s genocide against brown people?

“Her (Pauline Hanson – One Nation) bigotry should be exposed for the evil which it is”  Jeremy Jones, director of the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) 

Crikey’s Charlie Lewis demolishes this absurd accusation in his article
‘The Greens are more racist than One Nation, says Leeser. Let’s examine that’. A response to Leeser’s speech at the
Robert Menzies Institute, it’s “highlights” disseminated by Rosie Lewis at The Australian in her piece ‘Julian Leeser demands major parties preference Greens last, says they’re more racist than One Nation‘.

Leeser is putting his attempts to whitewash Israel’s Genocide and attack the Greens, ahead of Australian anti-racism concerns. So much for his advocacy for Aboriginal people.

“Supported genocide?” Obviously not the one occurring in Gaza. Is he accusing the Greens of supporting the Nazi genocide? They should ask for clarification through their lawyers.


A leading Jewish organisation has joined a Muslim group in condemning One Nation leader Pauline Hanson – (Source)


L: The Greens’ actions over recent months have been so extreme, they must be put last. No party should preference them or ever go into coalition with them. Finally, Australia must be unequivocal about anti-Semitism. On the morning after the Hamas attacks, which was the most horrific day for Jewish people since the Holocaust, Penny Wong called on Israel to show “restraint”. The next day, the NSW Police Minister green-lit the disgraceful demonstration at the Opera House. Most days, from the assembling of mobs outside synagogues to votes at the UN, government response to the entreaties of Jewish Australians has been half-hearted at best.

DN: Hark at Leeser making a string of demands based on conflating  “anti-Jewish sentiment” with humanitarian concerns about an unfolding genocide.

Demands that would only resonate with his fellow Zionists, gutless politicians and others fearful of Zionist censure. A sad collection mostly. Gladys Berejiklian as a signatory to the “Shut up about Genocide” open letter. Really?

L: Jewish Australians love this country. It represents the best the world can be. In 2024, it is beholden on all of us as Australians to defend the values we have shared for so long and resist the ideas of hatred that have taken hold in too many other countries across the world.

Julian Leeser is the Liberal member for Berowra. 



Summation and some badly needed perspective

DN: Leeser holds the belief that spreading disinformation and defaming the Greens will assist Israel in escaping consequences for their mass murder and domicide. It won’t. Israel will never recover. 75 years of Hasbara and oppression lie revealed under the blazing spotlight of genocide.

There is nothing ‘antisemitic’ about being disgusted at Leeser actively minimising genocide and trying to silence dissent. It smacks of Holocaust denial.

Plenty of decent Jewish people horrified by Israel’s response. Plenty of non-Jewish people as culpable as Mr Leeser.

“We are united with those hundreds of thousands of Jews around the world, including from organizations like, Jewish Voice for Peace, If not now, Naamod UK, who are calling out this genocide and chanting in the streets of New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Sydney, Toronto, and all major Western cities so that their governments can hear, not in our name, end the genocide in Gaza. With them, we stand together to end this pain and suffering. Together, we will not allow this to happen. Never again is now.” – Nada Abu Tarbush – Palestinian official


Revisionism in real time

Leeser’s agenda in whitewashing Australia’s (and Israel’s) history is evident. In Leeser’s revised Australia, an invasion resulting in the dispossession and genocide of Aboriginal people – the racism directed at a host of “others” arriving in Australia – and even the “White Australia” policy – no longer exist.

In Leeser’s egalitarian and benevolent Australian fairyland, Jewish people have always been embraced by a welcoming populace. It’s just those evil Greens and “woke” university people stirring up hatred against Jewish people that has led to the “antisemitism” he equates with an imminent national pogrom. All this “antisemitism” unrelated to the (seemingly invisible) genocide, Israel is carrying out in Gaza.

“The first condition for our total victory is a combination of three factors: propaganda, propaganda and propaganda” – (Source)

Toxic Hasbara indeed.


Fear and loathing in suburbia

We are told about the unprecedented wave of anti-Semitic hatred surge(ing) through Australia directed at the Jewish community and their “fear“, continually in the media.


Thankfully, the Jewish community haven’t suffered a bomb threat or a petrol bomb attack as experienced by
Palestinian supporters. Notably with a fraction of the coverage and outrage this purported “antisemitism” has
The “worried” family featured in this piece, a father and his four children, (just returned from Israel)
obviously didn’t fear having their photograph and names
splashed around Australia in a national broadsheet


Let’s hope the multitudes of Jewish people who march and protest in solidarity at pro-Palestinian events world-wide, are aware of this appalling state of affairs.


Some ‘community fears’ are more equal than others

I don’t remember the same amount of coverage and outrage when the Chinese community was under attack due to COVID blame and the anti-China rhetoric packaged with AUKUS.

“Never In History did an occupier present Himself as the victim”
– Gideon Levy

Living in fear? Really? Tell that to the Aboriginal people. The people murdered by killer cops with impunity. The people “moved on” when they leave their communities to visit the towns and cities built from the wealth of their stolen lands.

– Insert –

Living in fear? I don’t believe the Jewish community are experiencing an iota of the persecution and bigotry Aboriginal people face daily. Or that Jewish people suffer anywhere near the same social disadvantages due to the systemic racism in institutions Aboriginal people endure.



Julian Leeser is no advocate for Aboriginal people. Criticising their right to fly their flag in whatever context they see fit makes that blatantly obvious.

I don’t condone any harassment Jewish people might experience, but I’d point out that many activists fighting against racism or environmental destruction in Australia, can tell horror stories of violence and harassment by the State and its minions, that would eclipse their comparatively minor tales of discomfort.

Which takes us to the very obvious denouement.

These constant accusations of “antisemitism” and persecution by Zionists, published as ‘news’ by a complicit press, are as nothing to the genocide Palestinians are undergoing, and the suffering they have lived with for generations under the Israeli jackboot.



Back to part 1




1  The links between Zionism and White Supremacy are addressed in this article. The accusations are made by Jewish activist Tony Greenstein.

2. Leeser’s “selective” accusations against the Greens, academics and pro-Palestinian movements (some of them Jewish) is not only dangerously inaccurate, it is intended to cause greater division among Australians and heighten tensions that will only impact Australia’s Jewish community. Why “dangerously inaccurate?” Due to the Liberal Party’s obsession with “Islamic terrorists” (mostly promulgated by Dutton) and the Liberal Party-friendly gibberings of Mike Pezzullo – an Australian White Supremacist was able to escape notice and butcher 51 Muslims at prayer and wound 40 others.

In a speech, Pezzullo outlined Australia’s biggest risks “Radical extremist Islamist terrorism” made the list, homegrown white supremacist terrorism did not, 2 days later, an Australian man, a white supremacist, shoots dead 51 innocent people in a mosque in New Zealand.”

Now I realise the Christchurch massacre probably didn’t impact Mr Leeser, a man who considers the deaths of 12,300 Muslim women and children () in Gaza a mere bagatelle, compared to injuring the sensibilities of his tribe with words. The thing to remember about White Supremacists is this – the next attack might be directed at a synagogue, not a mosque.