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The ad hominem commentary from just one thread.



A very puzzling reaction, especially during a rental and housing crisis that sees families sleeping in tents and cars.


The drips continually pointed to Dutton’s property wealth (which they multiplied by 10) for comparative relief from “Albo’s” actions.

Seemingly blind to the illogic of excusing Labor, by making comparisons with the Liberals they’ve accused of corruption and profligacy for a decade.



Even sadder, is that this pathetic rationale to justify Labor’s move to the Right is being pushed by Labor MPs.



Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (right) speaks to Australian businessman Lindsay Fox as they attend the official opening of the exhibition of Aboriginal artist Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori at the Cartier Foundation in Paris. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) He is now under fire for attending a barbecue with the billionaire.

Albo cops a grilling after being choppered in for barbecue with billionaire



Labor Party uber Labor values

That some Labor voters will attempt to justify their glorious leader making bank from the misery of the homeless and impoverished is of course central to the premise that they care less about issues of injustice than their footy team’s image and success.

Attacking anyone with the temerity to criticise their party is one of the features of a cult.

We see this need to whitewash and revise any views that oppose a favoured reality, amongst racists, nationalists, Trump supporters and a host of other ideological and religious beliefs. Not all of them unsavoury.

This seems the place to reiterate that the criticisms in this article are mainly levelled at the extremists amongst Labor supporters.

Still, it must be asked, ‘How do people brought up on Labor values still support these neoliberal imposters?’

Their austerity measures, their “all the way with the USA” militarism and general anti-worker/pro-Rich platform?


“There’s a reason Labor politicians have the class consciousness of Rich people in suits who have never done it hard” – Mick Lawless




Continued fromLabor Supporters Defend Labor PM “Albo’s” Predatory Capitalism




More to come on this fascinating, if disturbing socio-political phenomenon…

Still need to cover Covid, Climate Change, Housing, Tax cuts, Militarism, etc…

This may become a 12-part series.

It’s hard to believe that no sociologists or psychologists have done papers on this issue.

Big thanks to @ByronRothschild for finding the wonderful ‘angry drip’ meme.

¹ The definition of a “drip” on Twitter. It began as a drip emoji to depict Angus Taylor’s water scandal then its meaning evolved to describe vocal, almost cult-like Labor supporters.


I’m being generous with “almost”. 





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