Sky News and the unrepresentative right-wing Australian Jewish Association have found another “issue” to distract from the ongoing Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people.
AFP to investigate Western Sydney bakery after ‘disturbing’ Hamas-themed birthday cake
Australian Federal Police (AFP) have been referred to investigate a Western Sydney bakery’s “disturbing” Hamas-themed birthday cake for a four-year-old’s party, Senior Reporter Caroline Marcus reveals.
“The Western Sydney bakery who made this cake were gloating about it until they received some backlash online,” Ms Marcus told Sky News Australia host Peta Credlin.”
“They took their account down now but Jewish groups are absolutely outraged.” – AFP to investigate Western Sydney bakery after ‘disturbing’ Hamas-themed birthday cake – Peta Credlin – Sky News
The AFP who became infamous for being used as bully-boys by the Liberal National Party, have seamlessly transitioned into being the bully-boys of the Albanese Labor government. A process facilitated by the near-identical right-wing policies of the Labor Party.
When they’re not ignoring a bomb threat by a Zionist, they’re cultivating “terrorism” in an autistic child.
“Do you work with the asio”, Thomas (the 13-year-old) asked.
The undercover officer replied: “I hate these killab (dog in Arabic). Should I ask the same of you akhi”.
…in subsequent chats, the officer “encourages TC and tells TC his plan to make a bomb or kill a member of AFP is a good plan. The [second persona] tells TC that he will make a good sniper or suicide bomber”. – Greens senator accuses federal police of ‘abuse of power’ in covert operation on autistic boy – Rashida Yosufzai – SBS
These “terrorism ideologues” eventually arrested the child when he turned 14, for possessing a knife with ISIS written on it. A child with an IQ of 71.
As Magistrate Fleming stated, the community “would not expect law enforcement officers to encourage a 13-14-year-old child towards racial hatred, distrust of police and violent extremism, encouraging the child’s fixation on ISIS”.
The community wouldn’t expect the (purportedly politically independent) AFP to ignore a bomb threat by a Zionist or the intimidation of peaceful anti-genocide protesters either. The politicisation of the AFP clearly includes a pro-Israel/genocide component.
The AFP reacting to Zionist outrage about a “terror cake” should not surprise. Our police, many of whom have been trained in Israel, are very quick to act on behalf of Israeli interests. No matter how inconsequential.
Outrage from Jewish ethnic-cleansing lobby
As to the “outrage” from Jewish groups. The same groups who were driven into a frenzy by QANTAS staff wearing Palestine badges?
“Intimidation”, “harassment” and “bullying”, states The Times of Israel, which is unconcerned by the genocide Israel is waging against the Palestinian people. Most people would prefer dealing with a “politically offensive” badge, to having a 2000lb bomb dropped on their head.
Naturally, calls for the sacking of the QANTAS staff wearing the anti-genocide Palestine badges were made. A tactic in keeping with other Zionist attempts to harm people who speak out against the slaughter of innocents.
The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) seem very tolerant of right-wing charities
engaged in hate speech and incitement. ACNC: “We recognise that the purpose of charities is to benefit the public”
Zionist censorship is an arrogant affront to democratic discourse. Fuelled by perverted interpretations of God’s “chosen people” (which came with some conditions) by Zionists. Much like Nazi Germany’s “master race”, it is a belief in racial superiority, that has proven as fictitious as religion.
In a sane society and given our workplace laws against racist and hateful behaviour, people supporting and downplaying a genocide would be filling the unemployment queues.
“A government-subsidised workforce of Israel lobbyists is targeting regulators and employers across the fields of media, medicine and business to sack employees who criticise the government of Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinian people” – How the Israel war lobby coerces regulators and employers to fire Australian critics of the genocide in Gaza
Some “terrorism” is more equal than others
The classification of “terrorism” says much about the society we live in. One that is quick to label groups refusing to acquiesce to colonialism or foreign interference as “terrorists”. The use of terror and the mass slaughter of civilians is only portrayed as “legitimate” when carried out by the USA and its vassal states. “Terror?” Simply rebadge it as “Shock and Awe” and it becomes acceptable.
Britain’s secretive special forces have operated across 19 countries, including the Middle East, but there’s been a lack of government accountability – Will Britain hold its armed forces accountable for alleged war crimes in the Middle East?
The “Terror Cake”
It’s probably not a wise move, to make public, a birthday cake lionising Hamas “terrorists” under the current regime of neoliberal militarism and pro-Zionism. One that went into overdrive after the attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and has found new life defending Israel’s genocide.
Is it a big deal?
My generation of Irish descendants grew up on a diet of Irish Republican Army stories and ballads.
And we’re all off to Dublin in the green, in the greenWhere the helmets glisten in the sunWhere the bayonets flash and the rifles crashTo the rattle of a Thompson gun
It has never caused (me at least) any friction with Northerners – who were fed their own stories and ballads – or led to any “terrorism” in Australia.1 Both sides in that sectarian struggle had left for more peaceful climes, abhorring the violence in Ireland, with many gradually “losing (their) religion” in our purportedly secular society.
The only way either side would have become radicalised in Australia, is if ASIO and the AFP had mounted a campaign of harassment/incitement and the MSM had done sensational “reveals” to keep the issue bubbling.
It would have been challenging for the MSM to choose a side. Murdoch is a Papal Knight and most of their readership belongs to one of the two religions. Maybe something excruciatingly neutral like this?
I feel sorry for anyone actually named “Paddy Cromwell” – Google states they actually exist 🙂
Luckily for us, Irish refugees were protected by that white privilege (racists say, does not exist) and the religious preferences of the two major parties.
The (Papal) knighthood is bestowed upon people of “unblemished character” – Source
Hamas is a small player in violence compared to the West
Just as the 9/11 attacks were made minuscule by the USA’s retaliation, so was Hamas’s attack dwarfed by Israel’s genocidal response. Merciless overreactions have cost the USA and Israel enormous reputational damage, both internationally and domestically. A behemothic amount of civilian death, domicide, infrastructural and ecological damage that only seems to have benefited weapons manufacturers.
The spearhead of many of these assaults on mainly civilian populations? The Special Forces of the West.
“Special” seems to mean ‘above the law’. Shrouded in secrecy, with in-house investigations that focus attention away from those who should share responsibility.
“The subsequent Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel has rejected Justice Brereton’s conclusion that senior commanders should not be held accountable for the murders of 39 Afghans.”
“The Panel did not agree with the Brereton Inquiry’s view that some accountability and responsibility could not fall on the most senior officers and it suggested that issue should be the subject of further consideration” – Afghanistan panel suggests military top brass be held ‘accountable’ for command failures over alleged war crimes | Andrew Greene | ABC
In Australia Whistleblower David McBride rots in prison, the only casualty of the exposure of Australian war criminals to date.
I’m forced to agree with Senator Roberts who stated, “If we’re going to put people in jail for war crimes the first people in cuffs should be the generals and politicians that sent them there”.
“…a civil court found Australia’s most decorated living war veteran Ben Roberts-Smith had likely unlawfully killed four Afghans. He has not been criminally charged” – Army whistleblower who exposed alleged Australian war crimes is sentenced to prison
Normalising War Criminal themed kid’s parties
Much of the mystique that surrounds the Special Forces is due to Hollywood and a distorted view of them, as the few against the many. In reality, they are shock troops2 with missiles, artillery, drones and massive aerial and naval forces at their disposal. So nothing like Hamas. And nothing like the Long Range Desert Group that spawned the SAS and other military franchises.
The premise that, “Hamas is an insignificant force in the world terror stakes – compared to the West’s Special Forces” is unassailable.
Which makes normalising this Special Forces indoctrination at children’s parties (thousands of these events) far more problematic and insidious than a mere Hamas-themed birthday cake.
Strangely, this wide-spread militarisation of children’s parties has been allowed to continue without commentary from the MSM, in direct contrast to their concerns about a Hamas-themed birthday cake. Thousands of Special Forces themed children’s parties occurring in Sydney’s backyards and parks and no-one thought it newsworthy?
Our SAS ‘Combat Crew’ War Birthday Party is the ultimate in Commando/Army themed entertainment!
They are generally for 7yrs+ and are split into two parts (see video):
1 – Tactical Operations, and
2 – Weapons Training/ Dart Gun Battles
Hopefully we can look forward to “Terror parties sweep Sydney” and “Outrage over war criminal themed children’s parties”3 headlines from the MSM, now Dingo News has brought this militarised child indoctrination and corruption of childhood innocence to the fore.
1 There was friction between Irish Catholics and Protestants earlier in Australia’s history.
2 Military buffs will argue about “shock troops” being used to describe Special Forces – I refer them to the 4 Corners video in this article.
3 Bit unfair to label all Special Forces operatives as war criminals? Sure, especially when testimony from (former and serving) SAS members was crucial in exposing war crimes. I’d still argue these war crimes were common knowledge in the SAS, particularly the “blooding“.
“The trial heard from soldiers who said potential misconduct was rarely reported due to a “code of silence” within the regiment, and others defended their actions as necessary.”
“Two murders which were ordered or agreed to by Mr Roberts-Smith to initiate or “blood” rookie soldiers.”