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Not only that Israel is no ally, but also that it is actually not a friend because it does actual damage to the United States through using its considerable access to Congress and the media to promote policies that are good neither for the United States nor for Israel. If the United States goes to war with Iran in the near future, it will not be because Israel and its powerful lobby in the U.S. have succeeded in creating an essentially false casus belli to mandate such action.



Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who once commented that 9-11 was good for Israel, has repeatedly sought to commit our government to draw red lines that would narrow options for the White House and de facto require it to take action with the military against Iran.

Congress is meanwhile advancing legislation that would commit the United States to intervene militarily in support of a unilateral Israeli attack, meaning that Israel could easily be empowered to make the decision on whether or not the U.S. goes to war. Israel interferes in American elections, it has corrupted our Congress, its head of government publicly rebukes our own head of state, and its intelligence officers actually provide alarmist and inaccurate private briefings for American senators on Capitol Hill.

I also would not doubt that Israel, accustomed to behaving with impunity towards its alleged friend and patron in Washington, might manufacture a pretext to draw the U.S. into a new conflict, something reminiscent of the Levant Affair in Alexandria, Egypt in 1954, or the false flag attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.

In short, Israel has no reluctance to use its enormous political and media clout in in the US to pressure successive administrations to conform to its own foreign and security policy views.

Grant Smith has described how Friends of Israel stole enriched uranium from a Pennsylvania refinery to create a nuclear arsenal. More recently we have learned how Arnon Milchan, a Hollywood producer born in Israel, arranged for the illegal purchase of 800 nuclear triggers. Milchan picked up an Oscar last Sunday without any interference from the FBI.


Insert | Arnon Milchan | The Hollywood Producer Who Could Bring Down Israel’s Netanyahu

On Sunday, Mr. Milchan will take the stand in court as a star prosecution witness against Mr. Netanyahu, who is on trial in three separate but interlocking corruption cases. In one, he has been charged with breach of trust over his dealings with Mr. Milchan. Among other things, Mr. Netanyahu has been accused of intervening twice with U.S. officials to secure Mr. Milchan’s visa as part of a gifts-for-favors affair known in Israel as Case 1000.

According to prosecutors, Mr. Milchan lavished Mr. Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, with gifts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.The Hollywood Producer Who Could Bring Down Israel’s Netanyahu | Arnon Milchan, the movie mogul, billionaire spy and old friend of Benjamin Netanyahu, is about to testify at the Israeli prime minister’s corruption trial. | Isabel Kershner | New York Times


Israel, which relies on Washington for billions of dollars in aid and also for political cover in international forums like the UN, does not spy discreetly, largely because it knows that few in Washington will seek to hold it to account. Israel, where government and business work hand in hand has obtained significant advantage by systematically stealing American technology with both military and civilian applications.



The U.S. developed technology is then reversed engineered and used by the Israelis to support their own exports. Israel has sold advanced weapons systems to China that are believed to incorporate technology developed by American companies, including the Python 3 air-to-air missile and the Delilah cruise missile.



There is evidence that Israel has also stolen Patriot missile avionics to incorporate into its own Arrow system and that it used U.S. technology obtained in its Lavi fighter development program to help the Chinese develop their own J-10. Israel always features prominently in the annual FBI report called Foreign Economic and Industrial Collection.

The 2005 report states, Israel has an active program to gather proprietary information within the United States. These collection activities are primarily directed at obtaining information on military systems and advanced computing applications that can be used in Israel’s sizable armaments industry.

It adds that Israel recruits spies, uses electronic methods, and carries out computer intrusion to gain the information. A 1996 Defense Investigative Service report noted that Israel has great success stealing technology by exploiting the numerous co-production projects that it has with the Pentagon. It says, placing Israeli nationals in key industries is a technique utilized with great success.

A General Accounting Office examination of espionage directed against American defense and security industries described how Israeli citizens residing in the U.S. had stolen sensitive technology to manufacture artillery gun tubes, obtained classified plans for reconnaissance systems, and passed sensitive aerospace designs to unauthorized users.

The GAO concluded that Israel conducts, and this is a quote, conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any U.S. ally. In June 2006, a Pentagon Administrative Judge overruled an appeal by an Israeli who had been denied a security clearance.

If you can imagine that, an Israeli with a security clearance at the Pentagon. But anyway, they overruled him when he appealed it and said, the Israeli government is actively engaged in military and industrial espionage in the United States. An Israeli citizen working in the U.S. who has access to proprietary information is likely to be a target of such espionage. More recently, FBI counterintelligence officer John Cole has reported how many cases of Israeli espionage are dropped under orders from the Justice Department.

He provides a conservative estimate of 125 viable investigations into Israeli espionage involving both American citizens and Israelis that were stopped due to political pressure.

Philip Giraldi (born c. 1946) is an American columnist, commentator and security consultant. He is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a role he has held since 2010. He was previously employed as an intelligence officer for the CIA, before transitioning to private consulting. As of 2024, he is a member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

AI transcript from Philip Giraldi video (first)

Videos, link and Arnon Milchan insert added by Editor