The attack last week on a Melbourne synagogue is undoubtedly a criminal offence. But according to the News Limited media outlets, many in the Jewish community and the broader pro Israel movement, and now the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, it was an act of terrorism.
While Victoria Police Chief Commissioner has now declared law enforcement is looking at the matter as a terrorist attack this does not excuse the weekend media and political commentary.
Further, is it too much to hope that those very same media outlets, lobby groups and politicians will remain silent and respect the investigation process and the rights of anyone charged with an offence?
Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised by the lack of circumspection on the part of the media and the political class these days. They have no regard for the rule of law or allowing the legal process to play out.
Some might say, well it is self evident that the appalling attack on this Melbourne place of worship for the Jewish community is an act of terrorism. That may prove to be right, but as the Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan said last Friday and over the weekend, do not jeopardise police investigation by drawing premature conclusions.
If we are to allow the media, politicians and lobby groups to make comments that suggest there is no doubt that an offence has been committed then this is deeply troubling. And one reason this is the case, is because it might jeopardise the right of anyone charged to a fair trial.
I saw this happen almost twenty years ago in the raids and arrests of a number of men around Melbourne who were eventually charged with terrorism offences. I acted for one of these men in a 2008 Supreme Court trial. The evidence in the trial led by the prosecution was that the accused had not planned any specific terrorist act but were involved as a group in preparatory acts. Yet when they were arrested three years earlier the then Victorian Premier Steve Bracks held a media conference and announced that the raids and arrests had “probably disrupted the most serious preparation for a terrorist attack that we have seen in Australia.” Forget about the fact that the presumption of innocence applied to all of the accused.
Let’s say someone or a number of people are charged in relation to the Melbourne synagogue attack at some point in the near future. No doubt the media, the pro Israel lobbyists and politicians like Mr Albanese and his divisive opponent, Liberal leader Peter Dutton will say, ‘told you so’, and that those charged must be guilty of terrorist acts.
Again no regard will be had to the right of any person charged to the presumption of innocence. There will be a deliberate creation of an atmosphere of guilt.
So how should the media, politicians and lobbyists be dealing with the Melbourne synagogue attack? Its easy. They have every right to condemn violence and damage to property. But then shut up. Do not fuel hatred of the Muslim community in Australia through their use of the word ‘terrorist’. Let the police go about their work and remind the community that there have been no charges laid.
And a final word. The unashamed trashing of the rule of law by news outlets, the Israel lobby, and politicians in respect of the Melbourne synagogue attack is in stark contrast to the ‘who cares?’ attitude taken to similar attacks on mosques in Australia over many years.
Scott Poynting from Charles Sturt University and others reported in the Conversation in 2019 the results of survey of 75 mosques in Australia. The findings, described as “most concerning” was that “over half (58.2%) of participating mosques (or worshippers at them) had experienced targeted violence between 2014 and 2019.” The attacks included arson, vandalism, and physical, verbal and online abuse.
Last October there were two suspected arson attacks on mosques in Adelaide. Did we see front page splashes about the rise in the levels of Islamophobia? Of course not, because of the virulent streak of racism and hatred towards Arab Australians.
And were these acts labelled ‘terrorist’?
The role of the media, politicians and lobby groups is not, in circumstances when a police investigation is ongoing and no conclusions have been drawn by it, to become prosecutor, judge and jury, irrespective of the identity of the victims of wrongdoing.